New Year’s Eve from the 80s onwards…


1988 – New Years Eve parties at my parent’s house were legendary. How many people could possibly squeeze into a 3 bed, terraced, council house in East London? As the year 1988 drew to an end I was just 3 years old. My future husband was barely a twinkle in my father – in – law’s eye and Cliff Richard had hit the Christmas number 1 spot with Mistletoe and Wine. My mum was rocking a perm, along with most women in the room. Red and gold, shiny foil garlands adorn the ceiling as London’s Capital Radio, counts down the final seconds of 1988.

My dreams at this age would have been unknown and if asked perhaps simply to watch Button Moon. Life was simple but something has remained constant from that New Years Eve… I was loved and surrounded by a family who would always be there no matter how far away I was.


1998 – 13 years old.. A delightful age I am sure my parents would agree.. Next year would be the last year before the millennium hit and the world was rumoured to explode into a million pieces.

Geri Haliwell had left the Spice Girls, leaving them in uncertainty, their single “Goodbye” topping the Christmas charts. I pretended not to care and listened enough to my Pure Garage CD to pass the “cool” grade at school but secretly I’m devastated about the future of the Spice Girls.

Family parties had now been transferred into the local Catholic Club Hall, which we hired for our gatherings due to a rapid growth of the family over the last decade. Each year I would be introduced to yet another family member. With my great-grandmother having 14 children there was always room for yet another long-lost cousin! My cousins and I would have sneaked a bacardi breezer while our parents danced the rest of the year away. At 1am the priest would come to lock up the hall but my father would persuade him to have a drink with them and so the party would continue.

I cringe at the thought of what my 13-year-old new year resolutions may have been. The less cringe worthy ones would have involved my swimming career and how I would excel to new levels in my sport. Even at this young age another resolution would have been to keep my room tidy and complete my homework on time. I changed a lot when I started secondary school as many children do and was torn between the conflicting trials of wanting to fit in and wanting to make my parents proud. I received regular detentions, which my brother covered up for me, pretending I was at athletics/netball practice. I remember feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt, regarding the lies I was telling my parents, and know that around this time I would have been telling myself that the lies would stop and I would behave better at school in 1999!


2008 – Thankfully the world did not come to an apocalyptic end as Big Ben chimed out the final seconds of the millennium. In 2008 I was entering my first New Years Eve as a fully qualified primary school teacher, with my own little flat which I believed was a palace but in reality I shared with a family of mice and was as damp as Hackney marshes.

23 years old and the world at my feet a year of trying to define a balance between a social/work life and failing miserably. My cousin and I waited hours in a blazing August sun to watch the truly unforgettable icon that was Amy Winehouse. A performance that will stay with me forever and I feel truly blessed to have witnessed. Along with the Prodigy, Arctic Monkeys, Stereophonics and The Pogues, among others, it was an amazing year for live music!

However my high-flying lifestyle was hard to fund now I was privately renting. Not to be one to let that stop me I found a little piece of plastic magic in the form of a credit card.. then I found a few more. Before long the bills were mounting and with no real understanding of finances I did what many young people my age did at that time and stashed the unopened letters. My 2008 resolution was to open those letters and start to “adult” but alas I failed miserably and as a result was declared bankrupt 3 years later at the age of 26. I am a firm believer that financial education should be taught at school. I had a complete lack of knowledge in regards to budgeting, paying bills and savings in general and will definitely be teaching my children about money from an early age.


2018: Here we are at the end of my 34th year. Content and settled at last (a little wobble here and there) in my new country life. Two children in full-time education and another running me ragged. My wonderful in-laws have flown over from Ireland and we are set to see in 2019 in the stunning surroundings I now call home.

I feel this year certain elements of my life have finally clicked into place. Obviously I am still an unorganised, chaotic human and although commonly sleep deprived I am starting to make concrete plans for our future not just “maybe one days.” I have faced some trying times this year which have made me realise that things can change without warning but I am learning to deal with these changes with the support of my husband and family rather than hiding from them.

Beginning my blog in August has changed my outlook on life in a way I never would have imagined. I feel I have an outlet for my emotions and have confidence in my own abilities once more. It has enabled me to have a greater understanding of myself and equally be able to reflect on past experiences. Therefore, in regards to 2019, it will be to continue on the same path as 2018. (perhaps a couple of stone lighter)

I wish you all a fabulous 2019! I would love to hear your new year’s resolutions or even your resolutions from previous decades. Thanks for reading and your continued support!

36 responses to “New Year’s Eve from the 80s onwards…”

  1. This was such a fun post for me to read! What a great way to not only reflect on the year, but life in general! It’s amazing how much of a positive influence blogging can have. I definitely found that after staring my own blog too! Good luck for everything next year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Annie glad you enjoyed it have a fantastic year ❤️


  2. I love these sort of posts, it gives us a real insight into your life and I love your New Years Eve traditions! I hope you have a great 2019! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lucy and the same to you ❤️ xx


  3. I love reading posts like this. This one made me feel really nostalgic. I was born in 1983 so I remember all the years mentioned in this post (and I also cringe at what my 13 year old self was like and what my new year’s resolutions would have been back then!)


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha how unfair we thought life was at 13 if I only they were the only worries we had now in adult life lol! Thanks for your lovely comments have a great new year xx


  4. Gosh, this really shows how much life just changes! I loved reading this post 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks chloe thank you for reading xx


  5. I love looking back through the decades, how things have changed! Wishing you all the best for 2019 x


    1. Thank you and the same to you xx


  6. My New Years resolution is to try and keep up with your blogs!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A great resolution Paula 😉❤️ xxx


  7. I loved reading this post, it was so nostalgic! I am 32 so remember a lot of similar things, it’s amazing to see how life changes so quickly. Thank you for sharing, I hope you have a wonderful new year and all the best for 2019! ❤ xx

    Bexa |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Finally someone who was born before 1988 most people have told me they weren’t and made me feel ancient lol! Thanks Bex hope you have a wonderful new year also xx


  8. well, it’s been a blast since we found each other and I’m loving your take on country living and the school gates politics in particular! If you found time in the summer for a day away from your brood to come to the Bloggers Bash in Victoria I’m pretty certain you’d have a great time and meet so many other bloggers who’d love your blog… not that I’m plugging anything, you understand…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So kind thank you! Wow that sounds great where can I find more details… You working on commission? 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha, I wish. Even doing it for love is costly!! You’ll find what you need here! If you come and I’m on check in, if I don’t pick you up from the accent, I will be v disappointed!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 😂 Will check out details now thank you 😊 have a great new years 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow! This is a very interesting post to read as I’ve never read anything like this before. It’s interesting to see how things have changed over each decade and how much life has changed for you from the small bits of information you provide.
    My family used to throw parties at new year too and I wish we were doing it this year but instead we are out. Not sure how it will go but at least they’ll be good near by for me to enjoy.
    I haven’t really got any New Years resolutions but I’d like to continue to be more confident and build my blog. Other than that, I just want a happy and healthy year for my family and friends. Have a wonderful new year x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like great goals for 2019 your blog is great and have enjoyed following you and connecting since starting mine ❤️ happy new year ❤️ xx


  10. This was so great to read! Hope you have a great 2019 x

    Melanie ||


  11. I enjoyed the read! I haven’t sat down and made any resolutions! Best wishes for the New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And to you thank you for reading 😊


  12. This was an amazing read. I love the tone in which you wrote it and how everything flowed as well as the drops of humor throughout. Thanks for sharing and I wish you a prosperous new year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for reading and your kind words. Hope you have a wonderful new year xx


  13. Love this post. What a wonderful way to reflect on the years gone by! Happy new year lovely xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much happy new year to you too xx

      Liked by 1 person

  14. A real sense of how time passes in this post. A lovely reflection.
    My New Years resolution is not to have any abs just be happy 😃 (but I’ll secretly be smartening up my appalling eating and drinking habits from the festive Period before I burst!)
    Happy new year! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha great plan Melanie… I’m going to stop eating chocolate for breakfast also lol have a great new year ❤️🥂xxx


  15. Wow what a lovely round up! Wishing you a very happy new year and look forward to reading more posts in 2019

    Holly x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Holly and the same to you xx


  16. Happy New year to you and your amazing kids. I was amazed by the beauty of your post and the idea itself. Best of luck for your future. Keep writing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments have a fantastic new year xx


  17. This was lovely to read, I’ve really been enjoying these reflection posts at the moment! This is first I’ve seen for looking back at other New year’s Eves though, I can’t relate too much as I was born in 1994 although I did like the Spice Girls haha. That’s amazing that you got to see Amy Winehouse too! Hope you have a great New year’s Eve and an amazing start to the new year!

    Chloe Chats xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks chloe and same to you xx yeah she was amazing… Drunk but amazing lol xx


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